Happy New Year! As I hunker down on planning for the year this month, I like to look back to see what worked (& didn’t work) in the last 12 months. I’m hoping to post more regularly here about topics that are relevant to readers — travel, finances, food & Nashville — and there will be some reorganization too! Do you make goals and resolutions? (Here is a great way to document New Year goals with your family too!)
While I begin prepping some new posts, here is a countdown of my top 10 articles in 2018. Which was your favorite? Is there something you’d like to see more of around here? Please reach out with ideas!
Now, let the countdown begin:
#10 – A Kid-Friendly Staycation in Nashville
I’m a huge advocate of finding ways to “travel” even in your own backyard.
#9 – 30 Free Things in Nashville With Kids
Free? Yep, these will help with your travel budgeting too!

#8 – City Guide: Rabat Morocco
In 2014 we took a trip of a lifetime and brought the girls to Morocco. We fell in love with the capital city of Rabat! Have you been?
#7 – Travel Tales: An Intergeneration Trip to South Dakota Told by my 8-Year-Old
I love that this one is told by my middle daughter! I’d love to get my girls participating in more posts this year.

#6 – WANDER Asheville
Asheville is one of my favorite cities in the world. This is another city you should put on your list if you haven’t been!
#5 – Nashville Murals — 7 More That We Love
Keep reading for the first installment. If you know me, you know I LOVE murals and public street art. Where are your favorite murals?
#4 – Sarah’s 5: Kid and Parent-Friendly Restaurants in Nashville Part 1
“We have found several local restaurants that seem to have found the sweet spot of catering to kids while allowing parents to enjoy a drink, a tasty meal and not have to yell “no” incessantly.”

#3 – Sarah’s 5: Kid and Parent-Friendly Restaurants in Nashville Part 2
Still hungry? Oh, how I love these restaurants!
#2 – 11 Nashville Murals We Love
I love and support the concept and the accessibility of street art for everyone — all over the world!

#1 – 10 Rockin’ Family Friendly Places to Hear Music in Nashville
This post has held the #1 spot since it went live! Our hometown of Nashville is “Music City” after all — and families with kids can get into the rockin’ music scene too.
Thanks for reading & Cheers to many more family wanderings & adventures in the New Year!
Jen Roberts
I love Asheville, too. What a great city. Also love the peace mural with colorful cranes. Happy 2019!
Thanks Jen! Hope we can get together again in 2019 (perhaps in Asheville, ha!) xo